
Buddhist Websites

The Access to Insight website offers an extensive collection of on-line materials covering a wide range of topics relevant to Therevada Buddhism.
Access to Insight
The Ancient Buddhist Texts website contains an extensive collection, in many formats and consistent structure, of critical Buddhist documents. It is very important that no distortion or dilution of these ancient teachings occurs. Monks, scholars, and devout Buddhists must strive to maintain the purity of these original lessons.
Ancient Buddhist Texts
Abhayagiri Monastery, located in Ukiah just off of Highway 101 in Mendocino county, is a Buddhist monastery in the Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah. Their website offers a glimpse into life with Dhamma practice at it's core.
Abhayagiri Monastery
As we spend time in the presence of Buddhist monks, it is helpful if we understand their purpose and the rules they have accepted to guide their life activities. Bhikkhus’ Rules – A Guide for Laypeople provides an extensive introduction to this topic.
Bhikkhus’ Rules – A Guide for Laypeople
A very good program of both detailed talks on the Dhamma, mindfulness, and lessons on meditation and practice have been assembled on the Audio Dhamma website. Especially useful is the Recommended Talks page with both online and downloadable talks by a group of very good speakers.
Audio Dhamma Talks
Many detailed and thoughtful resources are available at the Vipassana Fellowship site, especially geared toward "Buddhist Meditation in the Theravada tradition."
Vipassana Fellowship
Reading or hearing the Suttas of the Buddha with right effort and attention are critical to understanding. The Sutta Readings site offers a broad catalog of suttas that reinforce the foundation of Therevada Buddhism. Listen over the internet or download for convenient study any time. These read suttas all link back to companion written versions on the Access to Insight website.
Sutta Readings
Review the Dharma Net site for discussions and guidance regarding the Dhamma and for many additional useful links about Buddhism.
The Pali Tipitaka site has an expansive catalog of online material and downloadable content and tools to provide the most original form of the teachings.
The Pali Tipitaka
A Course in the Pali Language is an online reference enhanced with tools to assist those interested in the root language of Buddhism.
A Course in the Pali Language
A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms This glossary covers many of the Pali words and technical terms that you may come across in the books and articles available on the Access To Insight website and other websites and publications with Buddhist content.
A Glossary of Pali and Buddhist Terms

Thai Websites

Royal Thai Embassy - Washington, D.C. provides up-to-date information on Thailand, travel requirements, culture and other tools for making the Thai experience even better.
Royal Thai Embassy - Washington, D.C.



The Island : An Anthology of the Buddha's Teachings on Nibbāna. This book is available from Wat Abhayagiri. Compiled and refined over many years by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro, it offers detailed and logical coverage of the Buddha's Nibbāna teachings. It is available in pdf format, which can be downloaded from the site, or as a print copy which may be requested from the same web page.
The Island
Intuitive Awareness is an excellent compilation from a series of talks by Ajahn Sumedho, focusing on the need to develop our awareness beyond those moments spent sitting in meditation and expanding our capacity and ability for intuitive awareness throughout every waking moment, "accepting what arises in experience as “the way it is” - no matter what we are doing.
Intuitive Awareness